Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First version map

Click for map --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/7mcz4j80hu20avz/sunriver_mtnbk_trails.pdf?dl=0

I have been mountain biking out of the north end of Sunriver for years.  Originally, I would travel with little or no instruction and would frequently become lost and spend hours finding my way.  Speaking with other riders, it was clear I was not the only one having trouble.  I soon discovered GPS and found a variety of maps from the Forest Service and other sources.  However, the signage on the roads and trails is horribly incomplete and most of the maps are inaccurate or out of date.  I have added pages of hand written notes to these maps over time and decided recently that I should put all of my map fragments, notes, and GPS findings into a single map.

Other than the well-maintained Deschutes River Trail (DRT) and Blackrock Trail, the trails in this area are a series of loosely interconnected marked and unmarked routes, fire roads, bridges, and cutovers.  With the exception of those two trails, the route markers are generally poorly maintained, although they improve the closer you ride toward Bend in the north.

This is my first version of the map and I invite comments from other riders in order to improve it.  I have superimposed the roads and trails over a topographic map which I obtained online.  This will give the rider a sense for the elevations they can expect.

I hope this effort will provide confidence to riders to explore the area further, more thoroughly enjoy their rides, and ultimately lay down new and better marked mountain bike-specific trails in the area.

Cheers and happy riding!

Click for map --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/7mcz4j80hu20avz/sunriver_mtnbk_trails.pdf?dl=0


  1. If you are still active with this email me at

    joesuekeenan AT gmail DOT com

  2. Nice project here. Trying to take a peek at your maps, but the DropBox link doesn't work. Are the routes posted anywhere else?

    1. The link should be restored. Try it again and happy riding!
